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Brothers Gonna Work It Out è un album compilation del duo big beat inglese The Chemical Brothers, contenente varie tracce di altri artisti mixate dal duo. È stato pubblicato il 22 settembre 1998. La copertina presenta un'immagine della Chiesa della Madonna di Fatima Harlow, nel Regno Unito.

Brothers Gonna Work it Out
raccolta discografica
ArtistaThe Chemical Brothers
GenereMusica elettronica
EtichettaAstralwerks, Virgin Records
The Chemical Brothers - cronologia
Album precedente
Radio 1 Anti-Nazi Mix
Album successivo
Surrender (The Chemical Brothers)

La citazione "Brothers gonna work it out" deriva da un brano di Willie Hutch ed è anche presente nel brano "Leave Home" dei Chemical Brothers stessi.


Traccia 1 - Durata: 10:53

Traccia 2 - Durata: 9:13

Traccia 3 - Durata: 15:37

Traccia 4 - Durata: 14:51

Traccia 5 - Durata: 18:21


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    [en] Brothers Gonna Work It Out

    Brothers Gonna Work It Out is a compilation album by English big beat duo The Chemical Brothers, containing various artists' work mixed by the duo. It was released on 22 September 1998. The cover features a picture of Our Lady of Fatima church in Harlow, Essex, England. The quote "the brother's gonna work it out" comes from a track by Willie Hutch and is also featured in the duo's earlier track "Leave Home". It peaked at number 95 on the Billboard 200 chart.[5] As of 2002 it has sold 165,000 copies in the United States according to Nielsen SoundScan.[6] As of 1999 it has sold 400,000+ units worldwide, mostly in the US.[7]
    - [it] Brother's Gonna Work It Out

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