2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami |
Nuclear accidents | Power plants |
- Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3
- Units 4-6
- Fukushima Daini plant
- Tōkai plant
- Onagawa plant
- Higashidori plant
- Rokkasho plant
Sequence of events |
- Timeline
- reactions
- Radiation effects
- Leaks and dumping of radioactive water
- Aftermath
Topics |
- Okawa School tsunami tragedy
- Casualties
- Cleanup
- Towns damaged
- Investigation
- Comparison
- Accident Rating
Movements |
- Project Sunshine for Japan
- Safecast (organization)
- Sayonara Nuclear Power Plants
Foreshocks, Aftershocks |
- Sanriku, Japan [ja] (7.3, 9 March 2011)
- Miyagi, Japan (7.1, 7 April 2011)
- Fukushima, Japan (6.6, 11 April 2011)
- Miyagi, Japan (7.3, 7 December 2012)
- Fukushima, Japan (6.9, 22 November 2016)
- Fukushima, Japan (7.1, 13 February 2021)
- Miyagi, Japan (7.0, 20 March 2021)
Relief and Recovery | Efforts |
- Humanitarian response
- Operation Pacific Assist
- Operation Tomodachi
- Reconstruction Agency
Fundraisers |
- Wrestling in Japan
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
Pop culture |
- Films
- Documentaries
- Songs
- Manga
- Books
- TV drama
Other |
- Impact on video game industry
- No.18 Kyotoku-maru
- Tsunami fish
- Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project
- Ryou-Un Maru
- 869 Sanriku earthquake
- 2011 local elections
- Miracle Pine Tree
- Shinkansen Relay
- See also:
Japanese earthquakes
- Seismicity of the Sanriku coast
- List of tsunamis
Nuclear power in Japan, section Seismicity
- Nuclear and radioactive incidents